You never have to wet yourself again!

Hey! I'm Gemma, a pre and postnatal exercise specialist and postnatal wellness practitioner. I learnt how to strengthen my body and fix my abdominal separation, leakages and umbilical hernia without surgery! I am now stronger and fitter than ever before. But best of all, I am in love with my body for what it's done, and have a new found respect for her.

Pregnant or wanting to heal your body post-baby or exercise around your kids?

  • Prepare for Birth

    Extensive pregnancy program focusing on connecting with your body during pregnancy and paving the way to a healthier and easier recovery with minimal 'mummy symptoms' post-baby. 9 months worth of exercises focus on the core and pelvic floor and your changing body - with your upcoming birth in mind! A whole section dedicated to exercises to target your common niggles AND everything you need to help prepare you for labour, from your nursery, hospital bags and much, much more! Instagram Support Group

  • Motherhood

    A 6 week guided fitness program that will transform your relationship with your motherhood body, and make her stronger than ever. This course is presented personally by Gemma.

  • The Collective

    At the start of every month you'll have access to the daily workouts that will cover you for the whole month! We cover more advanced core and pelvic floor strengthening exercises as well as other workouts that involve specific areas of the body, and cardio. You'll get instant access to the Facebook group for accountability and support.

These programs are for you if...

  • you want to control your weight both during pregnancy and post-baby

  • you want a flatter stomach and slimmer waist post-baby

  • great sex without pain and better orgasms

  • no more involuntary peeing your pants

  • better body confidence

  • improved posture

  • friendship and support in our private members community

  • monthly LIVE sessions with me to answer any questions/problem areas you may have

I've helped 000's of women transform their motherhood bodies, and fix their leakages and abdominal separation naturally.

These programs aren't for you if...

  • you don't want to invest in your body and it's functionality

  • don't want a flatter stomach and slimmer waist post-baby

  • great sex without pain and better orgasms

  • want to keep peeing your pants involuntarily

  • low body confidence

  • terrible posture

  • friendship and support in our private members community

  • monthly LIVE sessions with me to answer any questions/problem areas you may have

All programs

  • All video-based

    All exercise demonstrations are video based to help you full understand just how and what you need to do. All videos also come with text explaining the demonstration.

  • Limited Time & Equipment

    All of the exercises provided require; yoga mat, small ball, resistance band. All workouts are around 25/30 minutes long.

  • Community

    In the membership you'll be supported by other like-minded women/mums who can offer accountability and support. You'll get instant access to the private Facebook and Instagram groups, as well as receive my full support.


  • When can I start post-baby?

    My exercises are there to support you as soon as you've given birth! They are gentle and focus heavily on connecting your breathing to your core and pelvic floor.

  • I had my baby years ago, can I still join?

    Absolutely! It doesn't matter if you are days or years postpartum, my membership site is designed for you to work on healing your body as if it has just had a baby. All of the exercises are focusing on healing any weaknesses you have with your pelvic floor and core.

  • Can I start when I'm pregnant?

    Absolutely! MamaTotal membership site is here for you every step of the way throughout your pregnancy and postpartum journey. The pregnancy section gives you exercises to complete all throughout your trimesters that work solely on helping you birth easier, and eliminate any pelvic floor dysfunction and abdominal separation.

  • How much does it cost and can I cancel at any time?

    I have a number of different programs to help you throughout your pregnancy and postpartum journeys. Be sure to check out each page for pricings.

Explore the programs...

Invest in yourself and become that strong, sexy woman you desire to be.