Welcome Intro
How This Works
Starter Routines
1. Breathwork
2. Commonality vs. Normality
3. Make Friends With Your Pelvic Floor
4. Intra-Abdominal Pressure
5. Posture - Lengthening
5. Posture - Standing
5. Posture - Sitting
5. Posture - Laying Down
5. Posture - Getting Out Of Bed
5. Posture - Bending & Picking Up
5. Posture - All Fours Position
5. Posture - Lying Down
6. Mental Health
7. Exercise
7. Exercise - Benefits
7. Exercise - Rules & Safety
7. Exercise - Motivation
8. Nourish
8. Nourish - Foetal Programming
8. Nourish - Do's & Don'ts
8. Nourish - Coping With Cravings & Morning Sickness
9. Relaxation
10. Self-Care
10. Self-Care - Breathing & Posture
10. Self-Care - Lift & Wrap Awareness
10. Self-Care - Lift & Wrap Lengthen
10. Self-Care - Lift & Wrap - Pelvic Floor
10. Self-Care - Lift & Wrap Coordinate
10. Self-Care - Lift & Wrap - Change Positions
So what's next?